Sunday, June 14, 2009

What phase 10 can cause

We are playing a game of phase 10. It can go on for ever so when we play at different times we are just going to pick up where we left off. I think some of us made it to phase 3 so it is going to take a little to finish up the game.
Dad gets to sit between both little boys that means he will play three hands. :) Sometimes when you have lots of people playing some of the kids wander. He is David doing a little wandering. He has always loved paper and like to create anything with paper. Here was his idea this night.
Funny boy!

1 comment:

Danelle said...

My family loves Phase 10. It's one of the only games I can get EVERYONE to play with me. Tammee is good for most games, but Michelle and Kacee only like Phase 10...I wish I was there, I would take one of the younger boy's hands.