Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Abi's sad start to summer!

This was Abi on Saturday at her meet and this was Abi Monday morning. SAD!!!

Yes she broke her foot at Gymnastics practice. Luckily I was still at the gym walking the track. I heard a scream from down below and I knew that was my daughter. She was going over the chunky vault mat and landed between the landing mat and the chunky mat. Broken ankle was the verdict. She had a ride to the hospital in the ambulance and all. I questioned was that really necessary and they told me they would give her some morphine to help with the pain. I made the quick decision that would be the best. Then deciding whether I ride in the ambulance with her or drive my van over. I decided to drive over but asked if brother David could ride with her. They said yes. So went out to get in and they made David ride in the front seat with the driver so he could wear a seat belt. What's the point of that? Oh well, she going to get pain meds right? Well sad thing the paramedic hit the artery instead of the vain, so no pain meds for Abi. The paramedic did feel bad. She was a little traumatized but made it to the ER okay.

She had a lot of swelling in her ankle. They took her in for x-rays then we had to wait along time for the specialist to come.

This is before pain meds and then after pain meds. What a difference. Thank heaven for pain meds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luckily dad had his phone with him so she could email and text. She thought that was pretty fun!

And my good friend Jane came over to pickup David and take him home and she brought the camera. Abi was entertaining herself by taking pictures.

She wanted one last ride in the wheel chair before she left. Dad was going to just carry her out, but this made her happy to ride. Oh and the orthopedic surgeron said surgery the next day.

Her brothers were thinking of her while she was away! Abi is normally the sign maker at our house, but the boys are learning! She loved it!!!!!!
Over all it is really sad, but we are greatful it is just a broken ankle that will heal in a few months. Nothing life threatening or that will last forever. We really do have much to be grateful for and can't complain too much. It will just make summer a little slower for us which will probably be nice. Abi really just wanted to get out of summer jobs, like mowing and weeding. Now if she could have figured out how to do that without missing gymnastics too???? HUMMM??? She is really sad we won't be going to the summer games this weekend and she will miss the state meet, but oh well. It isn't the end of the world. These things are bound to happen right when you do these kind of sports RIGHT? We love ya Abi and hope you get better real soon!!!!


Kayela said...

So sad for Abi

Andrea said...

Poor Abi-an ambulance ride and everything! Tell her we hope she's doing better.

Danelle said...

Virginia, I already left Abi a get well message, this comment is on behalf of the letter 'X'....there are only about 4 words that actually start with this letter and you go and deny it it's best one...X-ray, Virg, not Exray. Poor little 'x'....he was crying a little bit. Oh wait, x-ray isn't the best one, Xbox is. Silly me, what was I thinking. The dumbest one is for sure xylophone...it sounds like a 'z', so what's the point? Sort of like having the glory of riding in the ambulance, but having to wear a seatbelt. The end.

Virginia said...

Thanks I will fix it. I was never good at spelling!

Andrea said...

That is so sad! I can't believe that happened to you. Hopefully everything will be o.k. From the above post it looks like everyone is loving her.