Saturday, June 13, 2009

lOts O spOrts

We had some of our cousins in town this weekend and they got to see William and David play some sports. William had a baseball game and a soccer game. David had a Lacrosse game. Macee was happy to help Abi carry her pink purse. It was so cute. Just what Abi needed to help her through another week some cousins!
William is on the White Sox this year. He is playing machine pitch. He is very excited to be able to run more than one base. Actually he has even hit a home run in this league. He is so excited!
Changing from baseball to soccer. At least they were at the same park.

William with some good friends. Matthew, Tyler Bradford and Licoln. Coach Ceasar in the back ground. Fun time playing soccer.

1 comment:

Kayela said...

Isnt Macee the cutest. So fun that the cousins got to come watch some games.