Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day in Idaho

Thanks Grammy and Michelle for a great labor day weekend!Poor David got stung! His hand was so swollen. We are hoping that he isn't developing a serious allergy to the bees. He could still breath so that is good.
What David would look like if he was chubby!
William taking a taste of the yummy honey!
Spencer helping spin the honey out of the frames.
Here is the heated knife it slices off the outer layer of wax.
Look at that beautiful honey run out. This is our 3rd year to have honey bees. The first two years we got about 5 gallons each year and the 3rd year we got 12 gallons. It was a great year! We had good success with just keeping our bees alive also. The past couple years we have completely lost one to two hives. So we were happy to keep all our bees this year. We started the summer with 6 hives and ended with 8 due to the swarm we captured and then David split one of our hives that was very large. They both seem to be doing well. A very fun family project we do together. They kids have sold lots of honey this year. They are almost out for this season.
They have a very cool Merry go Round in Rexburg. Funny thing is this is the first time we have ever gone and enjoyed it.
The kids had a great time!
Next to the Merry go Round they have a great little water park.Spencer was really enjoying himself. It thought this was a great shot!Luckily we had some towels in the van. We hadn't really planned on getting so wet. One of those things we are always glad we have in the van when we need a towel.
The kids love to play tennis. It always happens in Rexburg if they play.
Abi our poser! She makes a cute tennis player. We had a little break for some cotton candy! My kids love that stuff!
One of Grammy's favorite flower beds on campus.
See the flower in the rock. There is a hole in the rock and Grammy had her crew plan a flower in the hole. It did great all summer! Kinda fun!
We all love Michelle!
Taking a rest, by some really nice flowers of course!
Grammy has so many pretty flowers!
Some more of Grammy's beautiful flowers.
Playing leap frog. Just a little something to help get us up the hill.
Awesome tree in the gardens @ BYUI.
Dog pile on David!
Awesome harvest moon and the Rexburg temple.

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