Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Families are Forever!

At Stake Conference it was suggested that we take our kids to the temple and get pictures and spend time there so they will know and understand the importance of Temples. We headed up there right after conference while we were still dressed up (much to my families dismay). Plus I wanted to try out my new camera a little more. Here are some pictures we got. They turned out pretty good. LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!!!!!


Chyrisse Ballard said...

You've been busy blogging! I finally did too. You are such a great example. Thank you for sharing that with us. I think it's a great idea. We really need to set the example for our children and help them realize the importance of Eternal Families. Thx!

Hema and Becky said...

Cute pictures. I really need to take my kids to the temple more often. Great idea.

Andrea said...

I think this is a good reminder to take our kids to the temple more. Thanks