Sunday, August 23, 2009

School Begins Again

Crazy to think that school has started again. Summer came and went and we hardly noticed. This is David's shopping list of things he is going to need to start school. Note the boxing gloves. He is funny! He started 7th grade which is the beginning of Junior High here. I hope he doesn't need boxing gloves.
My 7th grader
The 7th graders go to school a day before the rest of the school so they can get a feel or a fill for the school and find their classes with out the rest of the students there. So David started school the day before our other kids. On this morning Abi was having surgery to get the two screws removed from her ankle, so mom wasn't home to take the pictures. I gave dad instructions and he did a fine job! He was going to be funny and take 120, but only had time for 26 before the bus came.
Running to the bus! I thought of going around to all of David's 8 teachers and taking pictures but thought that might be a little embarrassing, but maybe we will do that on parent teacher conference. :)
Back to school night was the night before school started, so we snapped some pictures of the kids with their teachers. Abi will be in 6th grade, her teacher is Mrs. Carter. (I bet teachers love blogs!) Notice she has her hospital bracelet on still. She was on lortab that day, but didn't want to miss meeting her new teacher. Mrs. Carter has been David PE teacher the past two years. William will be in 2nd grade, his teacher is Mrs. Jenkins.
Spencer is my goin' all day 1st grader, his teacher is Mrs. Crawford.
I can't believe my baby is this old!
So for the first day of school. The boys had to wear almost matching shirts. They were so excited for the school year to start. A few nights before William said, "It is going to feel so good to be back in school!" He is so funny! I hope that saying will last all 9 months!
We are at a brand new elementary it is close enough for the kids to walk or ride their bikes. They choose to ride their bikes. It will be so nice and think of all the extra exercise we are going to get!
Abi in the afternoon was finally feeling good enough to make it to part of the first day. That lortab was making her nauseous then I remember we had anti nausea medicine from her first surgery so she was a little doped up but went with a smile.
Home after the first day with cookies waiting for them to eat. Everyone had a good day.
Abi survived her half day. She went back the second day and made it the whole day. Good Luck kids hope we can all make it a great year!!!!!! Love you guys!!!!


Andrea said...

I can't believe you have a 7th grader. That is so crazy. Your kids are growing like weeds, just like ours.

Nancy said...

What a fantastic post about their first day I love the pics with the teachers- why didn't I do that?! Now i want to do mine again- think the teachers would mind an interruption so I can make a better blog post? I mean come one, it IS all about me, right!??

Virginia said...

It is all about the blog post isn't it! I take so many more pictures now that I blog. I love it though!

Yes crazy we have a 7th grader!!!