Sunday, August 23, 2009

Grape Juice Anyone?

The wasps are going to suck our grapes to raisins if we don't pick them ourselves.
David decided to pick them or at least most of them. There were lots that the wasps already sucked all the juice out of too. Still we got a few though.
They are pretty tasty grapes! At least the kids think so. We will make grape juice out of them. David thinks it is the best grape juice ever. Yes we do drink it before it sits too long. :)


Andrea said...

We do this too. Except the grapes are at my moms house. You can also slit them in half and put them in your food dryer and they make the sweetest raisens ever! Then we freeze the raisens and pull out a bag when we want them.

Nancy said...

A few!? A FEW!? Dang girl!! You'll have your years supply!! Well, I guess that depends on how long it's "good" for?

I know what your doing this week!

Danelle said...

Hey, those look yummy. They remind me of my grandma's house when I was little.

Anyway, just so you WON a prize on my blog. I need your address. Maybe I'll call Angela today. Congratulations.

Chyrisse Ballard said...

Those look so good! Yum! I've just been catching up with your summer. Gosh it's been a busy, but a fun one for us. I'm just now catching up with my blog. Miss y'all! Hope your dad is doing well. Have a great day!

Jensen Family said...

Happy Birthday today!!! I hope it is a great one!

Melinda said...

I never even thought about wasps sucking grape juice. And that's a lot of grapes!

I accidentally fermented salsa once, but it didn't make us drunk, just sick.