Friday, October 10, 2008


I was asked to decorate for the stake Relief Society dinner. Kinda funny how it all turned out. They asked me a few weeks after I had helped David plant the garden. I got a little carried away and planted lots of gourds. After thinking about what I might do I had remembered that I had planted lots of gourds. From there I just prayed that the gourds would produce well. Much to David's dismay they did real well and over took everything else in the garden too. They made for wonderful decor though! Thanks for your help getting the poky plants out of the garden David.
There were 8 long tables and 20 round tables and some serving tables also. They all had a handful of gourds and we even had some to spare.
With the help of the the Dollar Tree we made it turn out quite nice and fall looking! Thanks to the few ladies that helped lay it all out! I couldn't have done it with out you!
It was all a blessing in my eyes as to how this all came about. The little things never cease to amaze me!

1 comment:

Hema and Becky said...

It turned out so pretty! You are so talented! Thanks Virginia!!